Rosewood Walkway Installation
The Marquette Downtown Development Authority, in collaboration with the Marquette Public Art Commission, is inviting proposals from experienced artists to design and create a captivating temporary art installation for the Rosewood Walkway in Downtown Marquette. This initiative aims to enhance the aesthetic appeal of the area, foster community engagement, and contribute to the cultural vibrancy of our downtown district during Art Week and continue for another 2-3 weeks. The project will incorporate the theme of Marquette’s Art Week 2024: Grow.
Interested individuals must submit a proposal for the project to be considered by the MDDA and MPAC for this call for art. Responses must be received by March 31, 2024 at 5:00 p.m.
All questions regarding this RFP should be addressed to:
Michael Bradford, Business Outreach & Promotions Director, MDDA
Phone: (906) 228 9475 ext. 104 • E-Mail:
Need to Know Before Building Your Proposal
Review the following information before going any further and building your proposal for the Rosewood Walkway.
The artwork must be appropriate for all ages.
It must incorporate the 2024 Art week theme: Grow
It must fit within the dedicated location. (See appendices B & C)
The artwork cannot be hung on trees or from buildings located in the Rosewood Walkway
Artwork cannot utilize sound-based components or make noise
All materials used must be suitable for outdoor settings and will be coordinated with Marquette Downtown Development Authority staff.
Proposals must be submitted digitally as a print-quality PDF file
The DDA’s budget for artist labor and supplies needed for the Rosewood Walkway Installation is a guaranteed $3,000. This budget includes all labor, insurance, travel, lodging, food, and all other necessities, as well as any equipment the artist may require to complete the sculpture.
The following timetable is tentative and subject to change:
March 31, 2024 - Design Submissions Due | MPAC and MDDA begin reviewing submissions
April 12, 2024 - MDDA awards Professional Service Agreement to selected Vendor
June 21, 2024 - Work Completion Date
July 17 or July 31, 2024 - Installation End; artist takes down work. (Date contingent on durability of sculpture.)(If artist doesn’t remove on the designated day, the DDA may remove and dispose of accordingly)
Submission is open to any artist or group of artists who are permitted to work legally in the United States and are eighteen years of age or older.
In addition to creating the artwork for this project, the commissioned vendor will work collaboratively with MDDA in the development of plans for the implementation of their artwork including: schedule and installation and specifications for the artwork’s installation and maintenance. The vendor shall be responsible for working with MDDA staff to schedule their time and any assistants or volunteers involved in the installation process.
Submit Design Comprehensive(s) in print-quality PDF format to:
Michael Bradford, Business Outreach & Promotions Director, MDDA
Email: Mike Bradford,