The MRHC presents: 17th Annual Cemetery Walk: Railroad Connections 

The Marquette Regional History Center presents: 17th Annual Cemetery Walk: Railroad Connections 
Thursday, June 23, 1:00 and 6:00 p.m.

Join the Marquette Regional History Center for our ever-popular cemetery tour, at Holy Cross for 2022. This year we will feature people connected to the railroads including Joseph LaFave, who worked for the DSS&A for 57 years, and Timothy Patenaude, the “Human Adding Machine.” Three options: 1:00-3:00 pm Self-Guided Tour (maps provided), 6:00 pm Guided Tour and 6:00 pm Seated Tour (bring your lawn chair). All tours will meet near the Chapel. Our rain date will be June 28.

 $5 suggested donation. For more info call 906.226.3571 or visit

Download poster here.


June DDA Meeting Announcement


Marquette DDA Office Closed Monday, May 30