Potential Major Façade Grant Opportunity with MEDC

The Marquette Downtown Development Authority (MDDA) would like to pursue a major façade grant opportunity through the Michigan Economic Development Corporation (MEDC) Revitalization and Placemaking (RAP) program. There is the potential opportunity for $500,000 or more in matching grant funds to assist downtown district property owners to make impactful exterior improvements to their building façade. The purpose of this letter is to provide you with information and extend an invitation to share your interest in participating in the grant program.

The proposed Downtown Façade Revitalization and Placemaking Grant Program will provide financial assistance in the form of a reimbursable grant after work is completed. Grant funding will require a minimum 1:1 match, which means the DDA/MEDC will contribute up to 50% of total eligible project costs while the applicant is responsible for the remaining balance. To be eligible for grant funding, façade projects must meet a minimum of $20,000 in total costs ($10,000 DDA grant award/$10,000 applicant contribution). The maximum grant reimbursement per project is $100,000. There will be a requirement for proof of funding to cover the entire project, of which eligible costs will be reimbursed after completion.

Only existing buildings that contribute to the tax base with retail, commercial, or professional uses are eligible for program funding. Buildings with second-story residential units may be considered if the ground level is an eligible use.

We are currently surveying downtown building owners to find if there is enough interest to meet the minimum requirements of the grant. Please complete the form here if you are interested in pursuing a facade grant for your building this year that would satisfy the requirements outlined above, no later than Monday, February 21 at 5 p.m.

If it is found that there is sufficient interest in this grant, the DDA will send out the grant guidelines and application. This grant will have a short application period, so if you are interested in pursuing a grant like this, please start gathering relevant information now.


Street Closure Information for UP200 & Midnight Run


February DDA Meeting Announcement