Parking Pay Stations Replace Parking Meters in Downtown Marquette
A new pay station in Downtown Marquette
MARQUETTE, MI - The Marquette Downtown Development Authority (DDA) is preparing for the installation of 33 new parking pay stations across Downtown Marquette. These pay stations will replace the more than 300 parking meters throughout downtown that are not compatible with newer 4G/5G technology. As the DDA prepares for the installation, which begins on May 16, the existing parking meters are being deactivated and removed. The public can enjoy complimentary parking at formerly metered locations until the activation of the new parking pay stations in late May 2022.
The installation of new parking meters means many benefits for those parking downtown. The new pay stations offer state-of-the-art technology, which means greater reliability than the old meters. Fewer parking pay stations means easier maintenance and fewer collections for maintenance workers, freeing up time to work on other downtown needs. In the winter, snow removal around pay stations will be easier, faster, and allow for more open sidewalk space.
These new parking pay stations, which track payment via license plate number, will continue to accept U.S. coins or credit/debit cards. They will offer the option for 15 minutes free or $1/ hour rate. Those visiting downtown on weekdays prior to 9 a.m., when paid parking requirements go into effect, can pre-pay for a session that will start at 9 a.m. The Marquette DDA also plans to have staff on hand for the first few days of implementation to assist the public with using the new pay stations.
To use a parking pay station, follow these simple directions which are prompted on the screen of the pay station when you push a button to wake it up. First, you'll need to know and enter your license plate number when prompted. Follow the screen directions, choose 15-minutes free or $1/hour rate and wait a few seconds for the screen prompt "Please insert coins or credit card." The amount of time you can purchase is based on time limitations of the zone you are parking in. Press "Ok" to complete payment.
If you'd prefer to pay from the comfort of your vehicle, the Passport Parking app is a convenient way to pay for parking in Downtown Marquette. Simply load the app on your smartphone and enter your vehicle's information. Find a sign near where you're parked indicating the zone number, choose the amount of time you'd like to park, and hit the purchase button. There is a small $0.35 per transaction convenience fee for using the parking app.
When fully operational, the cost of hourly parking in Downtown Marquette will increase to $1 per hour. Monthly parking permit rates will continue to remain the same. Marquette DDA had been planning an hourly parking rate increase due to increased expenses, but that plan was put on hold due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Revenue from parking payments is directly invested back into the downtown parking system, which covers the cost of maintaining sidewalks, snow plowing, sweeping, trash pickup, parking lot lighting, line striping, and elevator costs.
For more information on parking in Downtown Marquette, visit our parking page here.