MRHC Presents: A Walk on the Snow and Back in Time
Photo: Courtesy of the J.M. Longyear Research Library, MRHC "Women's Snowshoe club, Agimosse"
Wednesday, January 13th at 6:00 p.m.
Snowshoeing is an ancient form of recreation, first used by necessity and enduring today in our northern climates as a sport. The Marquette Regional History Center features this recreation in their current special exhibit, The Great Outdoors: The History of Recreation in Marquette County. Join them for a snowshoe hike with Dr. Jacquie Medina, professor of Outdoor Recreation Leadership and Management, at Presque Isle Park. The event will proceed with a hike in waves of eight people to limit group size, each with a group leader. Please adhere to social distancing and wear a mask when gathering.
All snowshoe ability levels welcome for this casual outing meant to celebrate recreation in the snow. $15 a person. Register ahead at the History Center or by calling 906-226-3571.
Participants will meet near the Presque Isle main pavilion. Please dress for the outdoor hike, bring snowshoes and a headlamp or flashlight as it will get dark during this ninety-minute hike. This program supports the History Center and is part of the 2020 Great Outdoors Series, with support from the Michigan Humanities Council.