MDDA Announces Spring and Summer Event Plans

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The Marquette Downtown Development Authority (Marquette DDA) has made some changes to their 2021 spring and summer event lineup to stay as nimble as possible during what could be an uncertain summer. At all Marquette DDA events, we encourage those who attend to socially distance, to wear masks indoors or when in close contact with others while outside, to frequently wash or sanitize hands, and encourage those who feel unwell to stay home. Public safety will remain the Marquette DDA’s top priority at any event they host. While they will make every effort to ensure these events will take place in a safe manner, decisions and occurrences beyond their control may prohibit them from going forward with an event, including limitations on the number of individuals who can gather at an outdoor event. The Marquette DDA will keep the public up to date with any cancellations that may happen due to restrictions because of COVID-19.

Restaurant Week will take place April 11-17 in Downtown Marquette. Take-out is strongly encouraged, and registration for Downtown Marquette restaurants is going on now through March 17. A complete line-up of participating restaurants and menus will be published in late March.

Music on Third will take place during this summer, but in an abbreviated manner. The Marquette DDA will be foregoing the June event, focusing on later summer dates, including July 15, August 19, and September 16, all from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Musicians will be placed in locations that will ensure ample room for spacing, and make sure there is ample room for those who wish to pass by on the sidewalk.

The Marquette DDA is moving forward with Blueberry Festival on Friday, July 30, however, they plan on modifying the event for to make it safer for those attending. They have decided to forgo opening registration for the event to outside merchandise vendors and crafters, allowing both downtown businesses and those attending more room to distance from one another at the event.

The Classic Cars on Third Street car show event will take place on Saturday, August 21 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Once again, COVID-19 safety precautions will be strongly encouraged. Registration will take place on the day of the event.

The Marquette DDA will continue to keep a close eye on state and local regulations and make decisions about holding any event based on those decisions. The safety of the public is always forefront of any decision made by the Marquette DDA.

For more information on Marquette Downtown Development Authority events, please contact Tara Laase-McKinney, Marquette Downtown Development Authority Promotions and Events Coordinator at (906) 228-9475 or


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