Downtown Trick or Treat

Signature Event


Event Date: Saturday, October 26th

Location: Participating businesses throughout Downtown

Time: 4:00 PM - 7:00 PM

The sidewalks of Marquette will be filled with ghouls, goblins, and other costumed kiddos! Parents are invited to bring their children to Trick or Treat at participating downtown businesses. Please look for the Downtown Halloween Trick or Treat poster in the window. We ask that participants please follow all safety guidelines set forth by the Marquette City Police.

The closure of the 100 & 200 blocks of Washington St. will help make this event safer for children while they go from business to business on one of the busiest downtown streets. All of Downtown Marquette is available to trick-or-treaters at participating downtown businesses.

Please remember the Downtown Marquette Social district will be closed from 3:30 pm - 7 pm.

Look for the “Participating Business” poster in business windows to know which businesses are participating in Downtown Trick-or-Treat as seen below. As well as posters with teal pumpkins for businesses offering non candy items




Ladies Day Out